Metal bending - PTK Delta

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The Delta production and technical company-the enterprise-producer of the steel bent reinforcing profiles used for production of plastic Windows and door designs.


The company has been operating in the Russian market of reinforcing profiles since 2005.

For production of profiles the galvanized metal rolling is used
production of JSC "Severstal", JSC "MMK"
All products of OOO "PTK "Delta" certified.
Certificate of conformity № ROSS RU.AYA64.N02259.

Metal bending

Metal bending
Bending is the process of obtaining a sheet of metal of a special shape required for the production of profiles and elements of geometric complexity. Obtaining a specific and effective effect requires the introduction of sheet bending special equipment into the working process under the supervision of a professional.

Methods and methods of metal bending

There may be 2 leading the way:

air bending of metal;
The first is characterized as a method of free bending: the presence of an air gap formed by the wall of the V–shaped matrix and the sheet material.

The second method involves bending pressed against the walls of the V-shaped matrix sheet.

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